Enterprise Cloud Computing is Maturing, while Investments in App development is Increasing
21 June 2015
What is an SPF Record?
14 September 2015Liechtenstein, July 02, 2015:
Quality in customer service has always been the primary focus at TD Web Services. Now, the movement to On-Demand cloud configuration is bringing that focus up to date. We understand that from the customers point of view flexibility is a need from Web Service providers. On Demand cloud configuration allows each customer the opportunity to create a plan that works for them, with all of the support of TD Web Services. TD Web Services has moved away from the industry standard of utilizing packages and preset plans for all customers.
Scaling and tailoring services allows aspects to be controlled for specific periods of time and to your volume of work. Each aspect is identified and addressed by our customers to their needs. Define what you need out of your virtual CPU, RAM, Storage, operating system, and various options in management and control. Creating an environment where the power of all the options possible in cloud configuration are only being charged when you decide.
Virtual CPU is the process of multitasking and a greater ease of virtualized tasks. Virtual CPU isn’t locked into a package with TD Web Services, increase vCPU as necessary and see the adjustment immediately. Other common needs in cloud services such as storage are altered just as easily with the same immediate affect. Allotting space and being able to predict the storage space you’ll need usually leaves customers guessing when they first begin using cloud services. Guessing commits many people into agreements that are on one or the other severe end of a spectrum. Either exceeding the necessary storage space by a lot and paying for the space you’re not using; or not having enough and being restricted by that. TD Web Services allows their customers the availability to change or adjust these aspects to your needs.
Web service technology has evolved to make having choices in operating systems from cloud configuration possible and easy. CentOS a variety of RedHat Linux, Ubuntu, OpenBSD or FreeBSD gives freedom for customers to operate with systems they’re familiar with. Management control encompasses so many things with TD Web Services. Control panels, up-link speeds, management plans and monitoring options are all adjustable to your needs. Detailed control is made possible with the Apache Cloud Stack which is a control panel built to be well-rounded and easy to use. Options like the Apache Cloud Stack are generally kept to about ten dollars a month. When you feel that you need the extra scope for your workload add it; when you feel that you don’t, remove it from your services. Many customers feel comfortable with monitoring their own cloud usage. That’s great, then there’s no use in paying for these services. TD Web Services wants each customer to be able to create a plan, that works for them. Their own plans, that are not restricted to predetermined packages. With options in what services are paid for, and how often payments are made it is easy to adjust the services you’re using as often as necessary. Then after the determination of what the customer will need, there are discounts for consistency in use. For those who will not be altering plans as often the payment cycles choices are also put into the customers hands. Monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, even options of paying triennially are forthcoming and intended for customer ease. Every aspect of TD Web Services On Demand system is designed to create easier use for the customers. Striving to be different from other cloud configuration services and reaching the needs of the customers first and most extensively.
With the intentions of providing quality service, much of TD Web Services primary aspects of cloud serves available on a base level. Such as applications operating at higher performance by being run on new SSD Raid10 storage type. A reliable storage method that allows more data to be operated simultaneously. SSD Raid10 is one of TD Web Services new steps in ensuring that customers are receiving the highest services possible.
The support, and knowledge of the TD Web Services staff is available no matter what the customers choices in plans are. We meet the most basic needs regardless of what the customer has elected to use, with no variance in quality. Every upgrade and advancement is decided by and tailored for the customer.