Adapting to New Digital World: Is Your Data Strategy Stuck in the Dark Ages?
17 September 2015
A Money-Mining Botnet hidden in the Clouds of Amazon
28 October 2015There have been discussions going on regarding the future of wireless connection more so when 5G is introduced. This discussions are mostly centered on how the internet of thing will be affected and how much more life will be made convenient and so much more accessible to us.
A lot more hotels and resorts are ensuring that they have good internet connection as their customer even when on vacation away from technology and the hustle and bustle of the cities and the town want a good working internet connection. Imagine being in the great outdoors on vacation but still being able to get things done.
This is a very possible scenario in today’s environment, however the network connection is often poor or slow which can be frustrating especially if what you require from the internet will involve a lot of data transmission or downloading something. With the demand for wireless connection for the car GPS, smartphone, laptop, smart watch, tablet etc., there is the pressure to develop a better network connection and preferably a stronger one.
With 5G technology, there will be a great ease in attaining connection and maintaining it. It will automatically ensure that activities such as pairing or syncing are done much faster and with a whole lot more ease especially with a sturdy provider and a robust network. There will be a merging of prevailing networks – Wi-Fi, LTE, 4G, 3G, 2.5G, or Edge- there will be a drastic transformation of how communication occurs and the interaction with the world in general. Some people are even referring to 5G as a fusion of all wireless technology.
As for the internet of things, 5G internet will power it enabling it to grow at an even more exponential rate than it is now. It will provide an assortment of new competences because of the various interactions occurring and thus for communication it will become interactive and responsive.
It is estimated that 5G will be accessible globally in 2020 and instantaneously billions of things will be linked! Allow your mind to wander into a world where cars are self-driving and have the ability to get and receive information from traffic lights and routing systems, smart city sensor systems as well as home appliances. There will be industrial developments resulting in industrial computerization systems, connected health inventions, robots, drones and so much, more. And all this will be due to 5G!
Evans, the Vice president of Intel’s Network Platforms Group, when questioned about it at an Intel Developer Forum (IDF) said, “5G will make the internet of things more effective, more efficient from a spectral efficiency standpoint” and to add on to that he continued by saying, “Each IOT device and network will use exactly and only what it needs and when it needs it, as opposed to just what’s available.”
It is estimated that up to 40% of the world’s population in one way or another is interconnected and hopefully in the next couple of decades the remaining percentage will be connected. Of course this is about 8 to 9 billion people requiring internet access ability. While this may seem like a far-fetched goal it is a possibility. What will make this vision into a reality is the fact that with the internet connection it is how people will get information which in turn equates to mass education.
The networks currently being used will not be disposed of but instead will be tunneled into 5G and with the update of technologies and devices they too will be updated. No longer will we have to wait for hours or even days to load or send something as this will be dine in milliseconds when the 5G technology is available.
One of the challenges that will face this new industry is the management of data and its storage. As the challenge has been foreseen there are networking, computing and wireless communications experts already working on a solution even as the technology is being developed. There is going to be a lot of data going around, in actual fact it will be tons of data. It is thought to be the underpinning of the upcoming wave of modern economy.
It is anticipated with a lot of partnerships between network operators, device and equipment manufacturers, academic institutions, service providers among others, the solution to key technical challenges across all the systems will be acquired. So, even the challenges being currently experienced are in the process of being eradicated. All this is in preparation of 5G technology.
A lot of things are now becoming connected from cars to fitness trackers to banking to robotic manufacturing plants and so much more as long as it computes it can be connected. This will see a change in our current cultural landscape. It is going to transform how we live. The future will be very different for the generations to come.