Finding the perfect idea is a handful right? Well no, not quite. There are very many great ideas that can be turned into successful businesses all around you. If you were just a little bit open to the possibilities, then you would be one of the few lucky prize winners. To find that one idea that will turn the world upside down, and inside out, the following are some few places to get you started. These sources ad ideas just might transform your life making you the chair of some successful company some place in China, Canada, U.S or even Africa. The possibilities are endless and without limit.
Begin with your family
Looking to your family for great business ideas is not obvious now is it? For many, it is not the first place that thy will go looking for ideas as they think family is there to support and not actually provide the ideas. It is true, the moment you hit the ground running and you have done most of the heavy lifting, they will come in and provide you with some cash. It is also true that they have a part to play even at such an early stage of business development. Take Donald Trump for instance. His father Fred, led a very successful real estate company. And while Trump could have joined the family business without any proper training, his dad ensured that he actually went to school, providing a solid foundation. It is this foundation created by Fred that has trump at the very top of the food chain.
It is however pretty unfortunate that most people suffer trying to create a business without of the help of their family.
Help from friends
It is really stupid to rely on just on yourself for virtually everything when it comes to the creation of the business. Even with the most creative individuals, their creativity juices run out and they need to be refueled and complimented by their friends. If you are running dry, then you should most definitely hear what they have to say. The probability of a couple of your friend providing you with the best business idea is very slim.
Just like in the case of Steve Wozniak and Steve jobs. Were it not for each other they would never have made it the far that they did. Wozniak, the developer of the very first apple computer and a genius knew nothing about marketing while Steve jobs had no clue pertaining to the development. Together, they conceived a brand that is appreciated by the whole world.
The lesson to that is that you should always be alert when with friends to be able to pick up good ideas when they are said. Studies show that recognizing someone else’ idea is better than creating one yourself.
Consider all the things that tend to bug you
This may not be as profound as you would like, but it actually does work. This is a very fertile ground for business ideas. Take Kemmons Wilson for instance, back in the 50s when a certain motel owner was looking to charge him an extra price for each of his children – five in total. He was so pissed at this that he went on to put up Memphis, a holiday inn based in Tennessee. It is today one of the largest hotel chains there is in the whole world.
In addition, if King c. Gillette had not been fed up and tired of having to sharpen his razor blade every now and then, then he would not have had the need and the drive to create the massive and award winning Gillette company, a disposable razor industry. At the time when he took the idea to a university for research, the professors deemed him to be insane. He however followed his instincts…fast forward several years, look at what we have today.
Tap into your interests
Many people who have ended up being successful in their businesses took up their hobbies and turned them into businesses. This is a classic move. It is said, that if you turn your hobby, or talent into a business, doing what you love, you will never have to work a single day in your life. Tim and Nina Zagat, the founders of the Zagat Surveys, one of the top publishing empires that sell restaurant guides in many U.S and European cities, are some of the great examples of individuals who turned their love for something into a business. They loved eating out so much that they quit their professions as attorneys. It was not long before they were huge in the whole land.
This will open your eyes to many potential business ideas that are not available in your home city or country. Leopoldo Fernandez for instance discovered Domino’s Pizza on his trip to the U.S, loved it so much that when he went back home to Spain he established his own and named it TelePizza back in the year 1986. Today, the company has over 13,000 employees and makes lose to over $120 million in sales in 8 different countries.