Tips For SMEs to Boost Business Via Social Media
22 July 2014Most Insightful Insider Tips To Build A Successful Blog
23 July 2014Twitter is quite an amazing platform for people to share ideas and air out their views. Who have ever thought that there would ever be an avenue where the ordinary person would achieve some sort of celebrity status? This is exactly what Twitter has done, giving the common man a chance to be the shining star, without singing, acting or playing their way up there, among other talents and positions that are usually credited for giving people that stardom status.However, what anyone who has a Twitter account desires is to have as many follows as possible. For some, especially celebrities it is very easy to attract a huge number of followers without much of a struggle, but what about the ordinary person? If you find out that you follow many people more than you have people following you, then there is a big problem; you are like that uncool kid at school, who does not have friends, and we all know that feeling. This article will show you just how to get more people following you on Twitter, using ethical ways. I say ethical because there people out there who are desperate enough to use dubious methods in order to get more followers on their account.
First, I will start with aspects which will NOT earn you followers on Twitter:
Being Rude – have you ever encountered people who are just rude, and they do this for the sake of seeking attention? These are people who will go ranting on Twitter, using each and every rude word at their disposal. Well, if you are one of those people, then it explains why you have very few people following you.
Self–centeredness – these are people who think that everything in the world revolves around them. They will most probably write tweets about what they had for breakfast, lunch, dinner and even what they are wearing. This is a definite turn-off for people, and no one will be interested in following a self-centered person.
Being Insensitive – have you ever met an annoying person, the sort of person who will say very annoying things without being sensitive to people`s religious, political or ideological stands? A person who is even gender insensitive? If you are that kind of person, you either change, or you will remain with very few followers, if any at all.
How to Gain More Followers on Twitter
Have a visible presence
This is a very important aspect, because it is what people get to see first before they can decide whether or not to follow you. First impressions matter a lot, and in the world of Twitter, people do not have too much time to think about whether to follow you or not; at just the click of a button, they have already made their decision. This is why it is important to have a good Avatar of yourself, not a profile picture of another person; you will not get away with that. This is because people want to see the real you, and if they find out that you are hiding who you are then no one will want to follow you.
It is very important to have a good profile set up, because this is what introduces other people to who you are, especially those who do not know you personally. Have an interesting Bio and you will see the results.
Follow those who have followed you
If people check out your profile and notice that you follow the people who have followed you, then they will want to follow you. Therefore, do not be egoistic; lower your pride and follow your followers, and in return people will be interested in following you.
Start with close friends and acquaintances
If you start with close friends and family, it becomes easier for other people to start following you. Just like the common saying, “a flame is hottest near the source”. Once you have gained prominence amongst close friends and acquaintances, it will not be difficult for others to follower suit especially if you are an interesting person.
Choose a specific niche
It is very important to choose a certain area where your topics and updates will be revolving around. Have a big voice in that particular niche, and people will eventually notice you and start following you. Majority of the people who have huge followers on Twitter have very strong views in the following areas:
Religion – having strong religious views will easily earn you many followers, especially if you have controversial views that are backed up by real facts. This is a very touchy area, and if your views are bold enough to go against common belief or religious practice, then you will attract more followers.
Gossip – keeping your followers up-to-date with celebrity gossip will definitely earn you many followers. Very few people have the time and energy to research the lives of celebrities; therefore if you are able to bridge this gap and keep your followers updated with such stuff, then you will be the kind of person whom everyone wants to follow.
Politics – do you have strong political views? The sort of views that other people are not bold enough to talk about? Then this is your chance to air them out and attract a huge Twitter following. However, this will work well if you choose a political side or stand. Whatever you do, do not stand in the middle or appear to be lukewarm.
Tech stuff – if you are tech wizard with knowledge about every gadget out there, such as phones tablets and the like, then this is your chance to shine. Most people do not know a lot about the technical details of such devices. Therefore if you are able to consistently keep them updated with such information, then you will have more followers than you require.
Music – people who have a good ear for music usually have a large following. If you are able to critic popular musicians’ vocals, lyrics, music production levels or critic their videos, then you will be that person whom everyone wants to follow. Additionally, you may also want to talk about celebrity’s lives, fashion and tastes.
Whatever you do, you should not choose to talk about every topic in every niche, because this might confuse your followers. Make a stand and be firm.
Live Tweeting
If you have had the privilege of attending a particular event, especially an invite-only event such as the Grammy’s or a White House Ball then this is your chance to shine. You should grasp such an opportunity and live-tweet about the interesting occurrences at the event. People will definitely notice this and you will have multiple followers in a short spun.
Be strategic about the time you Tweet
This involves choosing the best hours to tweet. It is important to Tweet during hours when people are active, because they will be able to re-tweet, hence making an interesting conversation. If for example you decide to Tweet during sleeping hours, then no one will be available to respond to your tweets. Early morning and late evening tweets before people retire to bed usually generate a lot response, especially if they are interesting.
One fundamental thing is to always stay interactive, because no one is interested in a snob or a boring person. Always contribute and respond to other people`s tweets and will always return the favor.
Linking your blog articles to your Twitter account
This will have effect of turning your readers into your twitter followers, and will earn you many followers especially if people like your articles.
People will always follow you, if your tweets are:
- Motivational
- Controversial to a certain extent
- Entertaining
- Funny
- Informative