How to Start your own Web Hosting Company
7 September 2018
Affiliate Program vs Reseller Hosting vs Channel Partners
24 February 2019To remain agile and flexible in changing business environments, enterprises need to consider Cloud technologies. Cloud offers the desired scalability and operational agility for e-commerce platform providers to drive customer loyalty and increase transactions. However, business decisions are often impacted by multiple factors, such as costs, infrastructure, security, interoperability and compliance.
TD Web Services engineered a Cloud based Highly Optimized WordPress framework for a leading provider of e-commerce services. The customer needs to scale up their environments during peak seasons. They need to operate a highly reliable and secure platform that makes it possible for their eCommerce business to conduct business even with high loads.
Business Challenge
- A robust, secure and scalable solution to add quickly deployable and detailed on-demand WordPress services to the existing E-Commerce platform
- Improve Performance of their current website and reduce the load time by under 2s.
Our Solution
- TD Web Services collaborated with the customer to develop a Cloud based framework using TDWS Cloud Servers and Automation with.
- A solution was a fully automated WordPress deployment
- Top Class Hosting Infrastructure
- 1 GBPS Port Speed
- Local / Network Storage (via Private Network)
- Terraform to create new server for client in TDWS Cloud Servers
- Adding system user if it differs than provision user
- Improving security: changing ssh port and installation of fail2ban
- Installation and auto configuring MariaDB MySQL server (version of server is parametrized, default version is 10.2)
- Installation of NGINX from source with ModSecurity and OWASP rules set and base configuring (version of server is parametrized, default version is 1.13.5-1)
- HTTP/2 (this is why NiginX is installed from Source)
- Installation of memcached server and base configuring
- Installation of PHP-FPM, base configuring with handling sessions in memcached (version of php-fpm is parametrized, default version 7.2)
- Installation of TDWS GMS monitoring agent and configuring it if monitoring is true.
- WordPress related tasks:
- downloading WP (version of WP is parametrized, default version latest);
- configuring nginx virtual host for it;
- configuring php-fpm pool for it;
- adding MySQL user, creating database for WP;
- configuring wp-config.php file;
- installing wp-cli;
- downloading memcached redux plugin for wp (no need to configure);
- putting ssl certs to nginx ssl folder (if ssl parameter is true, by default – false), also there are some type of checks to be sure that certs are correct for the current domain;
The solution is fully automated into web role instances and web worker instances to take full advantage of TDWS Cloud architecture. It also facilitated secure VPN communication between the new Virtual Machines and existing data centers or with TDWS Box Cloud for smooth information exchange.
TD Web Services provided agility to the customer’s e-commerce platform by using on-demand Virtual Servers and storage capabilities of the Cloud and creating a solution that was cost effective, scalable and quickly deployable.
Business impact
- Lower go-to-market time
- Making their Business Agile and deploy WordPress on demand.
- Reduced gap between demand and supply, with highly automated task and scalable solutions by TD Web Services
- Increased business value and improved market share due to the development of a cost effective, scalable WordPress solutions
Let’s Talk About Your Needs
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