E-commerce business is booming. There are reasons why e-commerce is a preferred channel. You get to reach out to a wide audience through e-commerce while with […]
Cost has various connotations in business. How often have you heard that time is money? So is quality. There are different factors to be taken into […]
A recent RightScale survey entitled “Cloud Computing Trends: 2014 State of the Cloud” has indicated that this hugely significant technology has a very bright immediate future […]
Search engine optimization is an ever changing world. When organizations and SEO professionals get used to the rules of the game, they find that new rules […]
Hybrid cloud is increasingly becoming very popular among organizations, and if you look at the latest statistics, it comes hybrid comes at a strong 40% third, […]
Despite all the benefits that are attached to cloud computing, it has always been misunderstood, and this is one of the major reasons why people have […]
Cloud computing has become a must have ingredient towards the success of every organization. Most organizations have greatly benefited from cloud computing, so much that almost […]
2014 was a massive year for cloud computing, one in which the technology truly began to seep into mainstream consciousness. So as the year draws to […]